• 2021

The Holyland DX Group plan activity from Rwanda as 9X4X during November 24 to December 1, 2021.

Ops: 4Z4KX Mark, 4X6YA Hilik, 4Z5FI Ruben, 4Z5LA Ros, 4Z5MU Slava, 4Z1DZ Chanan & 4X1VF Jan.

Active with 3 stations; 160-10m – CW, SSB, RTTY and FT8 (possibly SAT).

Participation in the CQWW DX CW contest (Nov 27-28).
QSL via 4Z5FI.

Sito web: http://9x4x.qrz.co.il

Log: http://9x4x.qrz.co.il/log

GL, 73!
ARI Ischia

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